El GDG Lleida es el Grupo de Desarrolladores oficial de Google en Lleida.

Reunión mundial de mentores y administradores de los programas de becas de Google

| domingo, 27 de octubre de 2019
Mid october and again mentors from the Google Summer of Code around the world meet.
This year the nice city of Munchen was choosen as a first outside California in the 15th year celebration of GSoC, we were 318 attendees from 42 countries.

A team of three mentors from the Liquid Galaxy project, from Lleida and Sorocaba, attended the summit, that has been a blast in knowing new people (66% of attendees were newbies), food and sightseeing.

In the usual Unconference format, where the attendees are the ones organizing the agenda,  almost 400 mentors from 73 countries share a 8 track 2 days seminar.

And as always when dealing with Google organizing an event, the food was amazing, and this time also the beers, being in Munchen a must next to some sightseeing of the city and palaces.